
Balance in life is important. Not only mentally but also physically. These two go hand in hand. If you are not in balance mentally it will inflict your body. Working out will be difficult, eating the right food will be difficult and because of that cravings will start. And as a result you will feel terrible. Too much sugar is famous for these reactions. And it will only spiral down. Fast.

It is difficult to step out of this spiral and take control of your life again. You see a lot of people start the new year with all these resolutions. Loose weight, get more active. Unfortunately only a few will succeed. Why?

There are a lot of reasons. Lack of support is a big one. Expectations set too high is another one. Not really behind your goals is one. And this is not only with life changes. Starting a new business with Young Living like mine will give you the same problems. After a couple of disappointments you give up. Other people can do it, you are not fit for it. But that’s not true

Coming back to these life changes like loosing weight and starting a healthier life, there is a lot to say about it. You’ll ask experts what you have to do and everybody has something to say. So this is going to be my 2 cents.

Loosing weight is not just two words. It contains a lot more. You have to adapt to a totally new life style. Just jumping in and changing radically doesn’t work. You have to make little changes first. If you are not very prone to the excessive exercising where you sweat like crazy and are exhausted at the end, then don’t do it. It won’t be very healthy for you anyway. Better is to just start moving. Take the dog for a walk for just 10 minutes (longer), park the car as far away from the supermarket as you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator (or just one stairs and the rest with the elevator). Take the stairs going down. Be inventive. Look around what you can do extra.

A step counter is a great way to help you to move just a bit more. Have a look at how many steps you take on a normal day. Keep track of it for a week. Then try to raise these step with 500 or 1000 a day more. 3 Times a week. That will be your first small step. After  a month you know for sure that it has started to be a habit and you can upgrade it to more days a week and/or more steps a day.

And then there is that dreadful food. Biggest mistake a lot of people make is assuming that because they started moving they can eat more. Or take an extra glass of wine. It is setting yourself up for disappointment. Don’t do that to yourself.

Don’t start to eat less drastically either and be hungry all the time. Your body has to adapt to this. Your mind aswell. What you can do is trying to change that snack at 2 o’clock for something healthier. Eat some fruit or vegetables. Drink tea or coffee or water (NOT soda). Or go do something so you have burn those calories. Or set an alarm 2 hours later and make the deal with yourself that this will be the time you can eat it. Most times you don’t really want it anymore.


Your mind is used to eating it, and your mind is very powerful when it comes to preventing changes.

What also helps a lot is getting a journal and write down everything that you eat. Make a habit out of it. Don’t add calories or how much sugar or fat it contains. Not important for now. Just have an honest look at what you eat. It will also give you some insight on where you can make some changes. Keep focused on changing what you eat. Also, don’t look at a scale for some time and don’t expect to lose 2 sizes in one month. It won’t happen.

Young Living can help you with finding your balance too. Especially the US market has a lot of foods, supplements, snacks, etc. which you can use. Oils can help aswell. Keep you focussed and keep you motivated. Google how they can help you. There is so much information out there what you can use. Or you can ask by emailing me and I can send you in the right direction.

This blog is based on my own experiences. This is not an advice what you have to do to feel better. This is my experience. I am not a doctor. What I can advice is to visit your family doctor before you start exercising.

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